During 2020, most of the United Kingdom were asked to restrict their social contact with their fellow work employees and was advised by the government to work from home remotely
This time was challenging for most businesses, with all employees working from home during this time
One particular solution to gain Internet access is to create a Wi-Fi hot-spot from a mobile phone with 3G or 4G mobile data that most modern mobile phones are capable of
There are just a few advantages and disadvantages of tethering
However, they are crucial for understanding how tethering and hot spots work, and knowing what limitations the connection and solution have
What are the positives of Wi-Fi Tethering?
- Tethering allows laptops and tablets users to access the internet and potentially work remotely without having a wired or fixed internet connection at home, or indeed work as a true remote or mobile user
- While typical wired connections are often quicker and more reliable, they can often be entirely restricted in terms of being able to move around in your own home. However, using a Internet hot spot and tethered your laptop or tablet to your mobile phone can be a bit more mobile or have an internet connection where you might not necessarily have
Disadvantages Wi-Fi Device Tethering
- When you use a smartphone or tablet as a tethering device, it will drain the smartphone battery more quickly than normal, due to extra power required to service a Wireless Access Point and send data across your new wireless network
- As tethering uses a wireless connection to access the internet, a wireless internet connection will likely be slower than a wired internet connection. Accessing internet web pages and downloading files will likely be slower
How to enable Wi-Fi Hot spots / Wi-Fi Tethering
Step 1
First of all, let's get you started within the right places and get your phone setup first before anything else is completed
Let’s start Heading into your device settings by looking for the settings icon application on your phone
Once located, feel free to run and tap the application so you can now see your device settings and features all in one place, allowing you to move on to the next steps
Step 2
Once the previous step as been completed, this Menu will come up, allowing yourself to gain access to mobile Hot Spot and tethering
This helps you link your mobile and enable your other device to reach the internet Head into mobile Hot spot and tethering options
Step 3
Once into mobile and hot spot and tethering options, then turn on mobile Hot spot. Beware this will now start tearing through your mobile data and can get expensive
As long as your phone is visible from your computer or device to connect to, you should be able to reach the internet no problem
USB tethering
There are alternative methods of setting up an internet connection via a mobile device
The other way you can use to set up an internet connection is through the USB connection
You would do this by connecting your phone and your computer via the USB port with cable. Open settings on the mobile phone by settings app head into the internet and connections section, then go into tethering and mobile hot spot options then click USB Tethering
Your device should now recognize the mobile device as a modem with internet access. More configuration may be required, which depends on the computer using the tethered connection example of this would be downloading some drivers or software to help with the running of the tethered connection, which will be prompted by windows