This Step-by-Step guide will show you how to add a Microsoft Office 365 email account to your Apple IOS device using an easy to follow Step-by-Step layout.
If you wish to setup your Microsoft Office 365 account on your android device instead please click below
Who is this help guide for?
This help guide is for end-users working to setup their new office 365 email on their Apple IOS device.
What are the Prerequisites?
To follow this guide in full you MUST have internet access, you must also know your email address and password for your new O365 email account.
How do i follow this help guide?
If at any point during this help guide you get stuck or are unsure on what step to complete next, please contact our office on 02381 800671. Or email us at
In order to help our support team please be ready to inform them on what step of this help guide you are stuck on so they can pin point exactly where you are in this process.
Why have we created this help guide?
We have created this help guide to streamline the process of getting users signed in and setup with their new email accounts on their mobile devices.
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Step One
Locate and open the settings page (Shown Below Circled in Red)
Step Two
Once in the settings page scroll down until you find an option named “Mail”
Step Three | Adding the email account
Once in the Mail page select accounts (Shown Below in Red)
On the next page select “Add Account” (Shown Below in Red)
Step Four
After doing this you will be met by the page below, here you will need to enter your new email address in the “Email” box. In the Description box you can put anything you want (e.g. Work, Email) or you can leave it blank (It will automatically set to “Exchange” if left blank)
When you have filled out these boxes press “Next” in the top right.
Step Five | Signing in to your email
Next select the “Sign In” option.
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Step Six
This will then take you to the page below, here you will have to enter your new O365 account password. Once complete select the “Sign In” option.
Step Seven
After signing into your new account using your password select the “Next” button in the top right.
Step Eight
Next select the “Save” button in the top right, upon doing this you will be returned to the “Accounts” page once here, click on the account you have just created.
(Shown below)
Step Nine | Setting the scync limit
Next click the “Mail Days to Sync” box and set this to “No Limit”
You can now close this page
Step Ten
After heading back to your home screen, find your built in “Mail” app.
(Shown below in red)
Step Eleven
After doing this click the “Mailboxes” icon in the top left to return to the mailbox list, alternatively you can swipe from the left-hand side of your screen.
Step Twelve | Ensuring the account is added
Once here scroll down until you find your mailbox, it will have the name you entered on step four. (If you left this blank it will be labelled under “Exchange”)
After clicking on “Inbox” it may take a little while to populate with your emails.