What is the benefit of Connecting my Android Phone
You are likely want to connect your Android phone to your company’s Exchange Email Server so you can access your work email, Contacts and Calendar on your Mobile Device. Android settings for Microsoft Exchange Server
Setting up a Microsoft Exchange email account on an Android device is a very easy task.
As long as you have a couple of details to hand, can be done in a about a minute. Android settings for Microsoft Exchange Server
To set up the Exchange account, you firstly need to go into the Android’s main settings menu.
This should look something along the lines of what is shown below. You need to find the “Accounts” section of the settings list.
When you’ve found this, you need to tap on “Add account” and choose “Microsoft Exchange Activesync” from the following list that is shown.
The following screen of the Microsoft Exchange email setup will ask you for your Exchange email address and password that you would normally use with your computer.
Enter these, and then tap on the button down the bottom that says “Manual setup”
User Login Credentials
This will provide you with the following screen asking for a few more details for the Microsoft Exchange email account.
“Domain\User name” is the field in which you need to enter your exactly what it asks, the domain you are trying to log into, and your user name. This is followed by your normal password in the next box down.
The “Exchange Server” box is the server that your Android device will try and log into to collect you emails. This for example could be along the lines of “remote.test.co.uk”
After the details are all filled in, tap on “Next” to proceed with the setup of the Microsoft Exchange account.
Final Steps
The Android device should then proceed to connect to the server and test the connection to the Microsoft Exchange email account and the server.
If it is successful, then the following options should be presented to you. These fields are filled in with the defaults, but can be changed by simply tapping on one and modifying the selection.
This should conclude the setup of the Microsoft Exchange email account. Your emails should automatically be synced with the Android device. To access your emails, simply go into your main applications menu and click on the “Email” app.
Century IT Services are based in Totton, Southampton. Hampshire and can help you with the installation or on going I.T support of your computer, server and network. We offer a broad range of I.T services covering, internet, email, anti-spam, anti-virus solutions, we are experts in virtually anything Microsoft Server based and have extensive troubleshooting skills.
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